Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What Works The Best For Your Mobile Ads

Mobile ads are an effective way to boost conversions. Most people watch things online with their smartphones. 


Plus, they use their smartphones to find what they need. If you think about your customers and how they use their smartphone, how do you deliver mobile ads that make a difference in your conversions?

Many companies are starting to come up with an "mobile first" ideology because computers on mobile outsells desktops and also people are bringing their mobile devices with them everywhere. Some people have their phones with them 24/7. It provides you with unprecedented contact with your audience.

First, look at the best-performing mobile ad segments.


The optimal font size for mobile layouts should be the size relative to the screen parameters. Ideal size for readers to see all 16 pixels. However, using the large size, helps to ensure that the font is displayed correctly on any screen. Whether mobile or not, using a relative font size helps a person with a better experience.


Choosing whether your ad is formal or informal you need to know your audience. In fact, most of the time you have to use the same styles. If you are considering your communication style, use the right style based on the setting and the audience involved for each announcement.

Type of Content

If you are creating mobile ads, you need to know what type of content you want your ad to use. You can choose from banners, native, full screen, video, rich media, and a combination of everything above. As always, it depends on your audience and your budget. When you look at this option from the perspective of your audience, it's easier to choose what type of content you want to deliver.

Ad Audiences

There are different ad sizes that you can use on mobile. Full screen or interstitial ads are likely to perform better and have a higher conversion rate than other ads. You can send ads in context, and one more than 300 x 250 in height can work as well.


Interacting with your mobile ad is an important way to improve conversions. One way to do that is to deliver an ad that offers a potential viewing reward, or a sign-up form that offers your audience the "spin" for a given ad. prize.

Choosing the right type of content and the right ad format requires you to study your audience, know the benefits you offer them, and keep up to date with what's new and coming out about mobile advertising. Every day a new ad format is created. Reward ads, playable ads, and more are all developed to help you get back the investment.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor mobile ads Tips on How to Measure Mobile Metrics

The mobile metrics you measure are important because there needs to be some reason for measuring and some connection to your results. In addition to measuring the information connected to your CTAs and goals, you’ll likely want to also measure the following metrics.


It's important to know how many people have installed and downloaded your app plus purchased something within the app or registered the app. This metric is almost more important than downloads, as some people may download an app but not used it.


Can your users access your service or app via mobile? On a website, this might be referred to as up time. For an app, that means how often that app is working for the person wanting to use it. If it’s down or not working when they want to use it, they may not come back.

Time to First Bite

Once your app is launched, how long does it take for the customers to be able to interact with and use the app? Is your app responsive enough for your audience to use it and not give up trying to use it?

Reaction Time

How quickly does your app react to the inputs of the user? For example, if you created an app that lets them enter ingredients and then find a recipe that will use most of the ingredients, how long does it take them to do it and for the app to return a response?

Time to Load

Time to load is the time from when your user launches the app to when they start inputting the information they want to use.

Number of Installs

Knowing how many people have installed your app and from where they’re downloading it is an important number. If you think about it, downloading an app is like being on an email list. The more targeted list members you have, the more money you’ll make on the in-app promotions because there are more people to see them.

Lifetime Value

One thing you can figure out once you have several downloads and users, is the lifetime value of your new user. Knowing the lifetime value of each customer can help you understand how much you should spend on marketing to bring them into your funnel.

Recurring Revenue

Tracking anyone who signs up for your monthly continuity plan and potential recurring revenue is also an important metric. If you have a continuity program, you should definitely spend more time and effort marketing that to your audience.

App Retention

How many people who download and use the app keep using it on average? Knowing this number can help you determine ways to retain more customers by focusing more on user experience.

Additionally, you may want to track ratings at all the places you allow downloads for your app. This information can be a goldmine to help you improve your offers and better target your audience. Plus, you want to track any number that is tied up with one of your goals. If it’s a goal and a CTA, you should track it.

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